We share so much with our tree friends: a planet, an atmosphere, a love of the sun and water. I believe the parts of a tree might help us understand ourselves, as well – plus, tree vocabulary is full of just plain fun words like “xylem” and “phloem”. I made a yoga flow based on…
Props to Red Maples in February
I’d just like to say thanks to the red maples out there. And the silver maples, too, for that matter. And the snowdrops and the odd bold forsythias. In the beginning of February things have been gray and brown for a long time. So long you almost can’t quite picture things being any other way….
Everything I need to know I learned from My Houseplants
Change is always hard even if it’s good – repotting is tough! 2. Turn to face the light 3. Flower when the time is right. Don’t when it’s not. 4. You have different needs than your neighbor. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of. 5. One is transformative. Many is magic. 6. We contain multitudes….
The Top Trees of Fandom
Trees are simply the best, for reasons I’ve described… and there are so many great examples in fiction. Here are some of my favorites from fandom and a little bit of what we think we can learn from them…
The Top Plants of Fandom
Plants are such a happy little weird phenomenon – especially plants in pots. They are like little green alien visitors that we hardly understand from another, better, more beautiful world – except that it’s our own world too. (Except for Audrey II, which is super cool but but is none of those things except alien….
Om-ing myself into all that densely diverse life
When stressed, and aren’t we all, Mr. Rogers said “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” Also, I think: Listen for the life. The helpers are part of it. The buzzing work of insects, the subtle rustle of trees, the constant chatter of people. The throb of the world. The…
In the sloppy soup of DNA: Tiger Pose
I leave little bits of me everywhere I go. This is an embarrassing thing to admit. After all, much of our childhoods are spent learning how to keep yourself in yourself. You pee in the toilet, you sneeze into a tissue, you wash out your spit in the sink. You don’t leave your toe nail…