Horses have blinders; I have wine. The basic principle is the same, in any case. With eyes on the sides of their head like any prey, horses can so easily get distracted by the big, shiny, scary world around them. If you want them to focus on, say, running a race, you need to shut…
finite's guide
The Finite’s Guide to Dealing with the Infinite, Part 2: Getting What We Want (in Warrior I)
In this vast, incomprehensible universe, we are but tiny specks – but we are tiny specks who want so much. In fact our very specky nature is part of what compels our extreme wants. We want not to be hit by asteroids, we want to have enough speck food. We want the other specks to…
The Finite’s Guide to Coping with the Infinite, Part 1: Understanding It All (in Sphinx Pose)
Cats crawl into boxes and kids make cardboard forts, but we older human folk have truly perfected the art of the self-made sanctuary. Ours may or may not be figurative but are certainly no less fanciful. Fandoms of course, theater, sports, philosophies, religions, even relationships can make up the walls and ceilings of a mini-world…