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Jesus Stood Up!
Paperback version available here. 🙂
A Spring in the Life of an Allium Flower
Learn from a Tree, a Yoga Flow
Dealing with Potted-Plant-Itis When Far from the Forest: Feelings in Quarantine
It’s like a plant that’s potted but belongs in the forest. It’s like a fish in an aquarium that belongs in the ocean. It’s a bird in a cage. It’s like not using one of your muscles. There needs to be a word for the hazy ache we feel – it’s not quite “missing.” It’s…
Our days in the dreamy Nexus of quarantine
Most of the time these days, in the COVID-19 quarantine, I feel pretty much like this: …Dreamily staring at plants. Of course I am pretty sure I didn’t just snap away half the universe… but in a way, it does feel like half of the universe is gone – or at least, changed. Of course,…
A Spring in the Life of a Maple Leaf Viburnum
Is your mental AR up to date? And safe from hackers?
Who is augmenting reality out there? Iron Man is using it to fight bad guys. Eve uses to tell that the plant in Wall-E’s adorable outstretched hands means it’s time to summon a spaceship. Rocket uses to locate people who have a bounty on their heads. We use it out here in the “real world,”…